Posts by Ged Sumner

Health isn't complex

Here's a great video, very creatively put together, which reminds me that it is not just about receiving treatments it is about making things happen with your health on a daily basis not relying on the 50 minute therapy session. Afterall, there's...


Immunology in the Gut Mucosa

Fabulous video of the Gut Lining emphasising that our GI tract is home to the biggest collective of immune cells in our body. Meaning digestive issues = immune deficiency. Health of our Gut is absolutely critical.


In Praise of Slow

The fluid body is one of the great discoveries in the craniosacral approach to treatment and health. As the body structure reorganizes through a listening/receptive touch, the fluid body starts to show itself. This often begins as fluctuations in the background leading...


Is it possible to be neutral?

No. Is the short answer. The dictionary definition is impersonal: having no personal preference; "impersonal criticism"; "a neutral observer"inert: having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive; "inert matter"; "an indifferent chemical in a reaction"not supporting or favoring either side in...


Late Ossification of the Pelvis

The hip bone is ossified from eight centers: three primary—one each for the ilium,ischium, and pubis; and five secondary—one each for the crest of the ilium, the anterior inferior spine (said to occur more frequently in the male than in the female), the...


Listening from your Fascia

Ever wonder what intuition actually is? Well look no further than your fascial matrix which covers all your muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, organs, bones: in fact every structure in your body. It’s the skin of things. Everything needs a skin to...


Massive Ventricles

 From article in The Lancet 2007 titled 'Brain of a white-collar worker'  A 44 year old man presented to the doctor with a weakness in his leg. 'His neurological development and medical history were otherwise normal. He was a married father of...

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