Entry into the Course

The course is designed so you can sample the first seminar of entry into the course and decide if you wish to continue with the whole course. You will then be asked to commit to a course payment plan. Seminar 1 is designed as a stand alone introduction to BCST and the payment for it is non refundable.

Course Completion Criteria

Here are the guidelines for completing the Body Intelligence Foundation training:

  • the student must choose and attend one home-training location whereby they attend at least 6 of the 10 seminars; where there are special circumstances and the student wishes to re-locate their home-training, they may ask for approval to do so via BI central.
  • missed seminars can be taken at other locations or on another training at the same location according to home-training stipulations. Students needs to organise this through BI central admin.
  • the course must be completed within the time frame of the student’s home-training; if a new student joins the training at seminars 2 or 3, BI central will work with them to organize for a realistic completion date.
  • if there are extenuating circumstances and a student cannot complete the course within the required timeframe, a late graduation agreement must be completed. Late graduation/extension for completion is negotiated through both the tutor team and BI central.
  • the course is attendance based, however, if for some reason beyond a student's control they cannot attend at least 3 of 5 days of a required seminar, then they can make these days up with a one-on-one tutorial with a tutor on their tutor team. This will be at the student's own cost. If a student misses more than two days of a seminar, the student will need to take the seminar at another time and must organize this through BI central.

Withdrawal and Refund

No refund, in whole or in part, will be processed for students who withdraw from the program after entering into a payment plan or paying the full fee. If a student has opted to pay fees by one of the payment plans (i.e. monthly or three part) they are still responsible for the balance of fees owing. In exceptional conditions the college will consider offering a credit or a refund of some of the fees.

Please Note: Relational Field Inc. will not be liable for damages caused if a seminar is required to be rescheduled due to an event beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, natural disasters and acts of war, insurrection and terrorism, local government declared state of emergency, or due to a pandemic, epidemic or disease. Relational Field Inc. will provide as much notice of such rescheduling as the circumstances permit. The time during which the student is required to complete the course may be extended to accommodate such rescheduling.