Interpersonal processes

The intensity of the training will naturally bring both students and tutors to a personal exploration of their inner processes.  Over the course it is therefore not uncommon for interpersonal processes to arise between students and/or between students and tutors. We find that it is best to try to resolve these outside the large group space. It helps keep the groups space clear of particular interpersonal processes. Body Intelligence Training (hereafter referred to as the Training) has a number of procedures in place to help in interpersonal processes that may be charged with conflict and stress. The following outlines these processes and gives various options. The intentions of these are not to necessarily resolve conflict but to help people find their way back into relationship and communication.  This can be of great importance given the intense, personal and exploratory nature of the training.

Interpersonal processes between students

When a conflictual process arises between students there are a number of processes available for mutual and open exploration. The open space provided will occur outside of class time.
The students may mutually decide that a process of exploration with a third party present would be of benefit.  Both students can decide to approach the tutor team with a request that a specific tutor of their choice be nominated to hold the space for their exploration.  It is then up to the tutor team to decide if that is viable.  The intention of the space provided is not necessarily to resolve conflict but to help students find their way back into relationship.
If there is not an agreed single tutor chosen, each student can then nominate their choice of tutor so that both tutors hold the space. It is a decision of the tutor team as a whole to decide if the space can be fairly held by the tutors nominated.  If it is decided that this is not the case then an outside facilitator can be brought in to facilitate the process along with one nominated tutor. The nominated tutor is there as a witness to the process.

Interpersonal processes between student and tutor

When a conflictual process arises between a tutor and student, the  Training feels that it is important to make the training space as safe as possible for both.  The Training recognises the power imbalance inherent in these kinds of interpersonal processes and endeavours to create safe opportunities for their exploration. The open space provided will occur outside of class time.
In these cases, either student or tutor can bring a request to the tutor team for a third party to hold an open space for enquiry into the interpersonal process.  The student chooses another tutor to hold the open space. They can also nominate another student to be in the space with them. This second student would be there as a supportive witness. If the student does not feel comfortable with any other tutor holding the space, then an outside facilitator nominated by the tutor team can be provided. In this case, a second tutor will sit in as a witness to the open space. This tutor will not engage in any verbal exchanges during the process. The student may again nominate another student to be present as a supportive witness.

Student complaints procedure

The Training recognises that from time to time students may have grievances with tutors or with the Institute and may wish to initiate a more formal complaints procedure. There are a number of options in these cases from bringing complaints directly to the tutor team to wider procedures involving outside facilitators to directly lodging complaints with the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT), the accrediting body for the Training.
In the first instance a student may wish to pass a grievance directly to the tutor group.  This may be discussed with the student’s personal tutor or with another tutor member. It must be presented in written form. The tutor group will discuss the complaint and a meeting with the student will be initiated.  This meeting will be composed of the student, a nominated fellow student in a supportive role, and a chosen tutor.  The student will be able to verbally state their complaint and a further staff meeting will discuss possible actions.  If the student is not happy with the outcome, then a number of further options are present.
The student may wish to bring the issue to the management committee of the Training. A written statement must be presented to the committee. A mediation committee composed of three members will then be set up. The mediation committee will have the power to formally respond to the student’s complaint.  This committee will be composed of a management committee member, a senior cranial practitioner not directly involved in the training and a neutral outside participant nominated by the Training. The committee will then interview all involved parties and make a determination of appropriate responses to the complaint.
If the student is still not satisfied with the response, the student may lodge a formal complaint with PACT.  This type of complaint must involve a breech of the code of ethics of the Association. The Training will assist the student in this process if requested.