Posts by Ged Sumner

Stillness and Presence

Here's some of my favourite extracts from Eckhart Tolle's Stillness Speaks:  Stillness is your essential nature. What is stillness? The inner space or awareness in which the words on this page are being perceived and become thoughts. Without that awareness, there would...


Swedenborg's Brain Motion

Someone gave me an amazing article the other day (thanks Greg) by David Fuller DO describing Swedenborg's research and theory into subtle body motion back in the 18th century - two hundred years before Sutherland! Swedenborg was a scientist and philosopher from...


'That which does not kill us makes us stronger'

'Ginsberg (1974) immobilized chicks, and then allowed one group to recover spontaneously, and one to recover, but with prodding and stimuli to terminate the freeze. These groups, along with a third group of chicks that had not been immobilized, were then tested...


The Cosmic Hologram

Guest Blog from Angela Wheeler, BI tutor from New Zealand.  In BCST we are always going on about orientating to health. Why is this so important and so effective in healing? What is the mechanism behind it?  This is a question that...


The Eyes Have It

One of the more bizarre things in the body is the network associated with the visual sense. When you step back from the detail of the anatomy and look with simple eyes! you see the visual tracts weave through the entire depth...


The Higgs Field

Here's some of my favourite quotations from news reports on the results of the research at CERN in Switzerland on the Higgs boson.:  The Higgs boson is a "fundamental" particle; one of the basic building blocks of the Universe. It is also...


The Primordium

Modern man seems to have lost his way. Part of that is a loss of relationship to his deeper self through the ancient parts of the body. The ventricles are one of these places. They are what's left of the original neural...


The ribs and some Sutherland biomechanics

The bony thorax, made up of the ribs, thoracic spine and the sternum is frequently under appreciated. Two of my favourite chiropractic teachers were very keen on adjusting ribs. One of them used to tell a story, that has stayed with me,...


The Skull Can Change Shape

Above are images of  a skull I saw in an exhibition about representation of the body in Amsterdam at Bijzondere Collecties. You can clearly see how over a period of 21 years the growing swelling caused the bones to grow into a different...

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