Joints are often slightly overlooked when it comes to BCST. The foundation training aims at giving students a good core of skills and there are so many things to fit in those 10 seminars. Once students have graduated, they have enough knowledge to deepen their understanding of key features around joints. Furthermore, joints issues, aches and restrictions are found daily in BCST clinics.

Clients will often feel safe and heard when we are skilled enough to touch in around their "places of pain", yet being able to relate to our holistic understanding. Training our hands, gaining knowledge around joints can have great benefits in our practice. It's also a chance to deepen our view of living anatomy, as exploring joints anatomy and physiology reveals a wide range of aspects to acknowledge. We may not be fully aware, but joints are everywhere in our body, and some key structures are mainly made of joints.

In this Post Grad, we will explore :

  • different types of joints, anatomy and physiology,
  • joints and Potency : places of Health
  • joints as horizontal / transition structures
  • joints as a global web / Primary respiration
  • finding space within dense structures
  • working from a local and global perspective
  • core / periphery when working with joints
  • Fight / Flight / Freeze : how they affect joints
  • common joint issues
