This course is designed to prepare the BCST therapist for the wide spectrum of clinical presentations that can come into your clinic when treating children ranging from toddlers to teenagers. There will be a practical delivery of how to treat a variety of Paediatric conditions, and give a deeper understanding of the different developmental stages from toddler to adolescent.

Those that have worked with children know how vast the availability of health is of young ones, and how adaptive we need to be compared to when we work with adults.

Being able to relate to a child’s sense of safety through pacing and establishing a relationship, are imperative for a successful clinical interaction. Often when working with the family unit, we are also mediating family dynamics ad parental concerns. It’s a lot to hold and the intention of this training is to build your confidence to work within the family constellation.

Sadly there is a distinctive rise in ASD, ADHD, SPD, anxiety and depression, in children. With this training we will gain a deeper understanding of neurodevelopment and how the young person can be imprinted by life events that may lead to some of these diognosis. It is rarely understood that there can often be an overlay of these diognosis and trauma effect, so we will expand our clinical capacity to engage successfully with the childs different needs to assist positive responses for them. We can do a lot in helping them build their resiliance and understanding of their health through play or meeting them with insight to their stage of life.

The course will include experiential components such as demonstrations and videos of live clinical sessions with children and their families.

Topics include:

  • Supporting the family unit
  • The Anatomical changes of the growing child, postural and orthopaedic challeges
  • Anxiety and Depression in children – Living in a Modern world
  • Sensory Processing and Integration
  • Supporting Brilliance through behavioural and Neurodiversity
  • Looking at the “A” epidemics ; ADHD, Autism, Asthma, Allergies
  • The relationships between Immunity, emotional health, and gut
  • Teenagers and life transition
  • Ethical considerations and scope of practice