Nancy Siegel lives and works in Missoula, Montana. She specifically chose her training in healthcare to develop a broad perspective of therapeutic practice, including ideas and practices from both ‘mainstream’ and complementary medicine. Her background includes training in physical and massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, nutritional therapy and pre- and perinatal psychology. Her background also includes fourteen years of experience in science and leadership education. She has had the opportunity to work in a variety of healthcare settings including integrative healthcare clinics, rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities, home health services, physical therapy outpatient clinics, and private alternative therapy practices. She is currently a licensed physical therapist in the states of Montana and Washington, and certified in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Nutritional Therapy. Nancy has a passion for teaching, training and motivating students to follow their curiosity and achieve their goals. She loves working with clients towards greater health and potential from a supported and holistic perspective. She has a special interest in emotional wellbeing, and nervous system regulation.

Nancy Siegel - Senior Tutor