Marta is a Spanish Biodynamic Craniosacral & holistic therapist with fifteen years of clinical practice. She originally trained in BCST at Karuna Institute in UK, with Franklyn Sills, and has undertaken further postgraduate courses. Marta also weaves together specialist training in SE® trauma resolution, biomagnetic therapy, applied kinesiology, family constellations gestalt psychology, meditation and qi gong into her core foundation of craniosacral.

Marta has run busy private practice clinics in London, Ibiza, Switzerland and now Bali, including setting up and running a Craniosacral clinic at the well-known Bumi Sehat maternity clinic. She also works as a birth doula with midwife skills for home births, having assisted over three hundred births as a combined Craniosacral therapist & birth doula.

In addition to her private practice, Marta has been co-teaching biodynamic Craniosacral therapy in Bali for the past two years, finding it very inspiring and fulfilling.

She is very passionate about the Craniosacral model and in awe at the presence, depth of being and relating, and compassion that emerges during sessions as well as in teaching. Revealing and allowing the healing wisdom of the inner body, and the sacredness at the core of life to facilitate transformation and change. A deeper understanding and alignment to one’s purpose and essence is core to her practice and a commitment to the processes of trauma resolution, change, creativity and birth.

Marta also leads retreats and works as an intuitive sound healer. She loves all things related to dance, sacred chanting, walking and swimming in nature.

Marta Farre - Tutor