Lolly Dadley-Moore, has over 25 years’ experience as a Natural Holistic Health Practitioner, specialising in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Her passion for assisting people to bring health into their lives has driven her to continue developing as a Therapist, Educator and Supervisor. Lolly has a background in manual body therapy strongly oriented around Massage Therapy, Myofascial release work, Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Counseling. This later evolved to being immersed in the Biodynamic principles of the body’s own innate wisdom. BCST gave language to what she had always heard from the body. Now she enjoys teaching and sharing her experience and knowledge with those who also seek to have a deeper understanding of the supreme science of our organic and biological nature. Lolly has a busy practice in her New Zealand home town with a specific interest in working with the health of pregnancy, babies and children. Lolly’s warmth and authenticity is welcomed by her clients and students alike. Lolly is a mother of 4, lover of the outdoors and whenever possible is likely to be found climbing rocks or galloping a horse along a beach nearby.

Lolly Dadley-Moore - Senior Tutor