I grew up in the rolling hills of County Victoria and starting my professional career, I worked in the legal industry as a Paralegal. After graduating as a Human Resource Consultant from the Recruitment Consulting Services Association, I soon found I had a love for helping people. Following my life’s path as a healer, I received a Diploma as an Integrated Massage Therapist from the Southern School of Natural Therapies in 1999. Studying an array of body work modalities including, Master Practitioner in Tibetan Reiki method of Natural Healing. My love and passion is working intuitively, listening with heart and hands to the human system in a way that honours the body’s own inherent wisdom to heal and come back to original health.

I am currently running a full time practice as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in the Byron Bay Shire. My graduation with Body Intelligence in 2023, together with continued learning at post graduate seminars, has strengthened my understanding of the forces within, deepening my relationship I have with myself, others, mother nature and all things in it. Offering a unique mixture of BCST nurturing energy and deep tissue work, my clientele seek bodywork for pain relief, trauma recovery, pre and post surgery, prenatal support and peacefulness.

I enjoy spending time in the natural world, cooking meditating, hiking through a country, yoga, learning about sustainable living. I’m most likely found tending to my garden and chickens. One of my favourite sayings; “May we journey down the river of equanimity and meet in the field beyond yin and yang”

Lisa-Maree Heres - Assistant Tutor