I discovered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in a 15 minutes-session during a silent retreat about 15 years ago. This experience has deeply transformed my perception and experience of touch, I was at that time suffering from a long-term head injury. Following this first experience, I studied with senior tutors such as Steve Haines, Ged Sumner, Colin Perrow and Kathlyne Ukleja who offered me the context to deepen my understanding of this innovative path so that I could share it with others.

I trained as a dancer and artist (Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle & Goldsmith College, London), I felt guided to explore various spiritual paths such as the Tao, Vedanta, and the tantric non-dualist approach of Kashmir Shivaism. This influences my inquiry about reality and deepens my yoga practice. The discovery of Yoga Nidra has re-actualized my understanding of processes such as relaxation, stillness, energy, healing and transformation. I can meet these qualities in the discipline of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, which I chose for its inclusive and non-invasive approach, primarily interested in health and balance in the client's system.

In 2009 I founded Connective Studio in Nîmes (South of France), a community place to explore our daily-life and reality in new ways. In this location I offer yoga, marmatherapy, cranio sacral therapy and massage. Interested in non-dogmatic ways of teaching, I love to explore the subtle body, the action of listening, perception, energetic principles active in all movements of life and a quality of presence welcoming our dual forces into a unifying flow.

Julie Thérond - Tutor