I think the best place to start would be that I have a deep Soul passion for helping others on their wellness journey and regaining their sovereignty of Self. I have compassionate curiosity for your life story, how you have come to be where you are now, and who you hope to become in the days yet to unfold. ​Like many others in the Healing Arts realm, I found my modality through my own journey back to body mind wellness. I have struggled with a chronic pain dis-ease for twenty years; and when diet and lifestyle change reached their limits on how they could help my health, BCST came into my life. It was through this that I gained a deeper understanding of how our compounding life experiences, traumas, tensions, and pains get stored in the body and cause significant dysregulation on the body and in the mind. I became increasingly curious about how regulating our nervous system, becoming more embodied and present, and learning how to let go of things no longer serving us can have massive positive impacts on our entire being. Since starting my personal BCST journey and supporting my clients, I have gained a profound respect for the inherent healing ability of the human body and the potential for wellness within us all. I truly love seeing how much people light up as they find relief from aches and pains, feel more centered and calm, and have a deeper connection with who they are.

Prior to finding myself in this current role, I was a social worker for nearly 10 years with focus on supporting children, youth and adults who have experienced high levels of trauma. This was a deep dive into understanding the vastness of the human experience and the power of resiliency within each of us. I held various positions during my career and have significant experience in facilitating difficult conversations, navigating the intricate delicacy of trauma resolution, advocating for client rights, and building up healthy support systems and community connections. I am forever grateful to all the clients I met during this time, as cumulatively they taught me how to be a stabilizing force in a sea of chaos, be present to listen deeply and fully, honor the unique journey we each embark on, and support someone in finding themselves again.

When I am not giving sessions, I can be most often found out in nature with my family. Our two dogs, two cats, and two horses keep us smiling and laughing through all of life’s ups and downs. We are incredibly lucky to live in the beautiful meeting place of the Shuswap and Okanagan Valleys of British Columbia. I love the natural world and am resourced when I am out walking amongst the forest, swimming in a clear lake, or taking in the view from a mountain top. In addition to BCST, I am currently working towards becoming certified in Equine Facilitated Learning. Horses are another Soul passion of mine and I am growing increasingly excited to be able to share their gifts and teachings with clients; particularly with children and youth.

Bree Anaka - Assistant Tutor